The alashoo ROADMAP 2024


As we are approaching WEB3.0 at a magnificent speed, the alashoo decentralized application would possibly become the pioneer in building a new way for social media. The team founders, after more than one year in thinking and discussing, have come to the consensus that the alashoo social media dapp could be successful only by holding on two key elements, good products and a strong community. With that in mind, we have drawn our ROADMAP 2024 and we are ready to share.



15,000,000 Alatelecoin($atc) token will be dropped to the community in 2022.

There will be 3 major alashoo dapp versions released before 2023.

We are to build an independent chain for social media purpose in 2024.

Social finance is to begin the new crypto BULL RUN with us from 2024.

Let’s cut the roadmap into pieces.

-Community and DAO: Q2 2022

The cold start of the community is from building the product. When the Version Beta is online, it is definitely the right time to start building up a strong community. Early members are the backbone of the community. We focus on on-boarding the contributors at this stage. You can be an early member by helping building this community.

We are to give alway the $atc tokens to the crypto world to attract the contributors to become one of our community members. The target is to get over 50,000 members into our community in Q2 2022.

Community Numbs Breakdown

We use the term $atc Collectors to refer to our community members in this phase. A series of DAO campaigns will be carried out and 10,000,000 $atc token reward is ready for claim by members who help building the alashoo community. The major plans are consist of 3 parts like these.

  1. Social media sharing and promoting reward. Rewards are distributed to $atc Collectors who tweets, likes and follows us on social medias, say Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok etc.
  2. On chain data creating reward. When the Collectors use the alashoo dapp products and created on chain data like posting, swapping tokens or buy and sell $atc NFTs, they get rewarded to make up for the gas fee and time spent.
  3. DAOs Joint events. The team will contact the popular DAOs like Uniswap, Aave, Curve, BAYC etc to use our dapp, making some joint events to get brand awareness in DeFi and NFT communities.

-Version Beta: 30th Jun. 2022

The first version of our product will come to main-net on JUN 30 2022, with 2 main features.

  1. Ethereum Content Publishing. In this phase, we will build the Twitter like PC website on ETH, making it possible to say whatever you want on chain. Unlike, which is targeting on article type of blogging, the alashoo dapp forces on micro-blogging with contents less than 300 words. Thus, we can reduce the gas fee costs by publishing on chain and make on chain text creation much more easier.
  2. Ethereum on chain social graph. After the publishing feature is done, we will build up a social relationship graph on chain for the whole community. The social graph will help the community get high efficiency in content distribution, making it fast to match good contents with our users.

-Version Alpha: Q3 2022

The next big version of the alashoo dapp will be in Q3 2022. Three major features are included in this version.

First comes the Lists. A List is bunch of influencers users can follow together. They may be having the same tags users like or some other things in common. Users can follow them all in once. The Lists is open to be edit publicly by the community.

The second thing is NFT Minting Contract. The alashoo dapp will have its own NFT minting contract for users to mint their PFP in the Dapp. They can use any pictures they like to setup their social profile. They can sell it on NFT market as well.

Then comes the ENS feature. We will support ENS in the version Alpha. With ENS as their username, the alashoo users can get more Web2.0 like good experiences in using the alshoo new version.

-$atc token airdrop for ATC Airdrop Eligible Pass holders: Q4 2022

In 2021, the team minted 10,000 NFTs on Polygon to fund the project. The NFT is named ATC Airdrop Eligible Pass. Within a week the NFTs are minted out. Over 5,000 holders got involved in our sales, and there have been over 9,000 holders so far. The main purpose of the ATC Airdrop Eligible Pass is to get the early funding and a chance for the holders to get the $atc ERC20 token airdrops. We are to make this happen in Q4 2022.

Community Rewards

There are over 5,000,000 $atc token and over 9,000 eligible holders. We will do the airdrop based on random lottery pattern. The algorithm is yet to be decided, but main factors are here. The lottery would be calculated mainly on the token ID and holding time beside other factors considered. Each NFT will averagely get an airdrop of 500 $atc, with the range somewhere between 100 $atc tokens and 1,000 $atc tokens. More details will be released as we move next.

-Version Omicron: Half I 2023

After we shift the governance from ATC Airdrop Eligible Pass NFT holders to Alatelecoin holders, we will move on with a new version released. In this version, we will develop FIVE new features and the key word is expanding.

  1. Multi-chain social medias. The alashoo dapp will launch on BSC, Polygon, major Layer 2 chains, Fantom and other EVM supported blockchains. Let the on chain social media be cross-chains, all in one. That is the expanding on chains.
  2. Mobilizing the alashoo dapp. Here comes the expanding on devices. The Omicron version will include an alashoo APP on iOS and Android platform. The APPs will be released on Apple Store and Google Play. We will move from PCs to mobile devices.
  3. Social-Fi enabled. With the decentralized financing on blockchain, the alashoo dapp will try to enable social media with financing. There will be new way to use the token $atc for staking and governing. The staking and governing contracts will be deployed in this version.
  4. DAOs governing. We will try new possibilities for DAOs governing on social medias. In Omicron, we decide to do so by introducing some DAO tools for all communities on chain. With these tools, the DAOs will get much more easier governing capacities, making the DAOs the real decentralized ones.
  5. KOL communities. In a WEB2.0 world, KOLs communities are stuck in the software platforms. They are in fact run by the companies not by the communities themselves. We are to make a change on this. Building a true community with governing capacities is the main goal.

-The alashoo Blockchain: Half II 2023-Q4 2024

The team is planing a new chain for media purposes from DAY 1. And we are having some great ideas. The blockchains these days are mainly for virtual currency calculating use cases. There haven’t been a chain for media purposes yet. We are to make one. Here is the timeline for it.

Test-net released before Dec. 30, 2023.

Main-net released before Q4, 2024.

We would like all crypto fans to join us. You can be a node operator, testnet users or member of the founders. The new chain will bring the 3rd generation of blockchain with content enabled and another waves of alt-chains competition.The $atc token will be the gasoline for the new chain.

And the new BULL RUN in crypto begins.

Stay tuned!



alashoo- A decentral social media!

alashoo is a decentralized social media dapp. AlatelecoinDAO(aDAO) is a DAO for governing the alashoo protocol. Join us to help building the next crypto era!